FluidSF ======= .. toctree:: :hidden: sfs qs examples modules terms supported_data fluidsf .. _Overview: FluidSF is a Python package for calculating spatial structure functions (SFs) from 1-, 2-, and 3-dimensional fluid data. The package can calculate various SFs that utilize velocity and/or scalar fields. These SFs can then be used to quantify various physical properties of fluid systems, including the distribution of energy/variance across scales, the inter-scale transfers of this energy/variance, the intermittency of the fluid flow, and the spatial anisotropy of the flow. This package can be applied to data from general fluid flows, although our research motivation for developing this package is to analyze large-scale ocean turbulence from model output and observational (satellite) data. .. _Installing: Installing ********** The easiest method to install FluidSF is with `pip `_: .. code-block:: bash pip install fluidsf You can also fork/clone the `FluidSF repository `_ to your local machine and install it locally with pip as well: .. code-block:: bash pip install . .. _Citing: Citing ****** If you use FluidSF in your research or educational activities, we would appreciate it if you cite this work. .. .. code-block:: bibtex .. WIP .. _Development and Contributing: Development and Contributing **************************** The development of FluidSF started as a Ph.D. project for Cassidy Wagner, advised by Brodie Pearson. The developers welcome contributions and suggestions through the `FluidSF GitHub repository `_ Feel free to open an issue, submit a pull request, and/or `contact the owner directly `_.